Posada Río Cubas

Our Inn is located in Cubas, just 5 kms. from the beaches of Somo and Langre. In an ideal area for visits throughout Cantabria due to our location in the center of the region.


C/Horna, 12 39793 Cubas, Cantabria.


43.424269046041, -3.7007336974718


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How to get from the Highway to the Inn: Take exit 197 of the Cantábrico highway, A8, towards Galizano comarcal CA-146, 4 km away. from the highway and after passing the 2nd white arch bridge, on the right is the detour to Horna. Take the CA-432 and go up almost to the top. There is a detour to the left for 50 meters. The Inn is visible framed in a garden.

GPS coordinates:

Latitude: 43o 25′ 27′′ N

Length: 3o 42 02"W

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